Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Preparing for something Bigger...

Yeap as the title mentioned...Am preparing for something that is ahead of me which is BIGGER...
Oh well is just basically what I encountered in YA Camp 09...Theme : Bigger...
Well this is going to be a few parts...Due to no time to wait here and wait for pictures to be uploaded la...So be patient...
Anyway oh well..am still waiting for answers...not only answers but actually lots of stuff...
My brain was filled with what-ifs before the camp and even more what-ifs after the camp...
But the main what-if is What if I have not come to know Jesus as my Lord and Saviour?
I think I will not have whatever I encountered and experienced for the past almost 3 years...and of course I won't be typing this too...
God gave us a freewill to make choices but what came attached with it is we are accountable for the decisions that we make.Many times we make the wrong choice, but we are just too afriad to face the consequences and hence we start to deny or maybe choose to avoid...Not of something new...Because Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:11- 12 did it...But making the wrong choice sometimes is part and parcel of life and as I reflect on my ownlife, wrong choices is a way for God to put me right on track and to allow me to grow more in depth in Him.

Whenever failure comes in whatever form, be sure to know when to rectify it and not by making another wrong choice by shunting the failure away...No harm of expressing yourself that you are sad and to me that is probably why you are created with lacrimal glands and ducts...animals can't cry and human can...Expressing it by crying doesn't mean that you are weak, because after crying be sure of be able to stand up...The best way for me..Cry to God and allow Him to help you to pick yourself up...

*On the way to Port Dickson after Raju - Me and Jasmine**I simply "whack" this...All about reflections...See the camera next to my face? LOL..Expert in randomness shooting**Sunset view from my room: simply loving it*

Until then another post of continuation...in another day..

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