Monday, October 6, 2008

Was stucked....

ROFL......All 7 of us were stuck at the PBL room at 5.30pm today...All lights off and all door shuts with only 7 of us still watching Patch Adam (part of the CG plan) at 5.25pm...Suddenly we felt the whole place was engulfed with total quietness and total darkness and hence we decided to stop the show halfway...I think there is about 20mins left before the show ends but since we were afraid that we will be trapped inside so we decided to pack and go and continue the show tomorrow....this is what you meant by "potong steam"... *okay okay okay! Here is the fun part!Use your imagination skills while reading the following ok?*
When we walked out from the PBL room and into the aisle between the musuem and Nursing Clinical Skills Room, the lights at the whole aisle were switched off but the sun was shining at the glass door located at the end of the aisle...So it's like a long, narrow and straight tunnel with only a brightly lit opening at the end...
Yoke Poh: It's like stairway to heaven!!!
Me: Swt -.-""""
When we reach the door at the end, we realise that it was locked!! read it again: L.O.C.K.E.D!
Then I turned back and I saw something so amazing at one of the pillars in the darkened was a rainbow! A pretty one in fact! Someone called Lilian and thank God she was around and so she came to our rescue...Apparently when she was there, the keys she had did not match the lock of the glass door...So we waited for Azan's rescue..
While waiting for the "rescue team" to come, we actually tried using hairpins to open the glass door and also not to mention we acting like Jakuns asking people outside the glass door for help and obviously it was no success...
Memorable experience?Of course man!!!!Who in the world of UCSI Medic Student history got locked like us in the PBL room and aisle?

We laughed, we freaked but at the end we got home with some unspeakably and unforgettable experience that I think it will definitely paint part of our memories spent together!

You might be wondering who are these 7 people?
It's Amabel, Yoke Poh, Wai Loo, Ji Yin, Kok Wei, Steven and of course me.....
(see how the amazing rainbow that I saw linked to us?)
*I sure hope that we could get pictures for this...sigh!*

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