I thought I will be out of place during the camp because of my age and all but I still hear from God during the sessions and He has untangled the doubts that I'm ought to be swimming in it...We had fun, newly built friendship, powerful messages from our speaker Ps Victor Wong, and also many more...
I thought of bringing my camera and all to shoot pictures during the camp but the "smart" me forgot to bring extra batteries so after a few shootings the battery died...So just bear with the few pictures that I took and I'm going to keep an eye for the picture files from the Media team...
Was camwhoring in Merlvyn's car while he pumps petrol...
After registration, we proceed with our games...I was in group 8 which is also named as Nasi Pattaya (oh we are just suppose to name our groups according to Malaysian food)
So our cheer goes like this: "We're fast, we're hot, losers we are not, we're from Malaysia, Truly Asia, Nasi Pattaya!" It's awesome having people like Justin in my group and oh he was appointed as our leader as the committee appointed leader couldn't make it on time... So he came up with this cheer within minutes...Anyway good cheer though I kinda like it and enjoy doing it..
Next up was game session!We have to find all the stuff or fullfill a task on a given list and one of it is to fill up 30 balloons with water...
Smart me forgot to bring water and I was close to dehydrated I tell ya...so after the games during the free and easy session I got hold of Chee Can to drive me out to buy some mineral water at a mini market quite far away from the villa..
At the dinner table from left: Merlvyn, Justin and Fergus
Anyway it sure was a fruitful camp all the above described happened in Day 1 and so what will we expect to get on Day 2 and Day 3?Of course more fun and more from God...It's more like a personal finding of answers from God but before I end this post and heads back to my books...Just wanna share this all of you: "So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life- your sleeping, eating, going-to-work and walking-around-life- and place it before God as an offering.Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him.Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it even without thinking.Instead, fix your attention to God.You'll be changed from the inside out.Readily recognised what He wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the ulture around you,always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you."
wow! looks like u had much fun!
i know joshua nah! college mate. help cf-er.
really?wat a small world leh?first u study UCSI,then u knw andrew then now joshua..small world wor....
ahaha.. small it is indeed! =)
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