Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas is coming
Oh well I just feel like blogging tonight hence that's why am here... =)
Like I said Christmas is coming and I have this thought stuck in my mind...
What is Christmas all about?
Is it all about gifts, parties, great food, Santa Clause, and probably to some people even a romantic Christmas date?
Well actually Christmas is more than that to me now...
It is a season of sharing and even connecting with people whom you have lost contact with...
It is a season of connecting with people that we least thought about...
More importantly it is a season to remember God for what He has bless us with and to even reflect at what point are we at in life...
Where do we "centralized" our focus in the midst of celebration?
I mean when we celebrate a person's birthday, the focus is on the person right?
And Christmas as all knows marks the birth date of our Lord Jesus Christ...
So why are we focusing so much of what do each other get or even what to give as presents in this season?
Shouldn't we think "bigger", as in what are we giving to God in this season?
I don't think God needs us to give Him all the money we have and build a big monument for Him, I mean what value does the monument or idol could repay Him for what He did for our salvation?
So what are you going to do about it?
Well as for myself, I'm giving my time to make the musical production a success...
If you are wondering what role am I doing in the musical, while am doing the props...and rehearsal is a lot and really a lot...and actually God really arrived at all your needs even sometimes you don't mention it.Why I say so is because of my FA last 2 weeks, I passed all of them even not studying much!Well I know I will NEVER be able to this by myself and all praises is to Him.
On top of that, while collecting my FA from the well-known-oh-so-everybody-fear-him lecturer, Dr.S. and obviously he said lotsa stuff to me with the just passed result and mostly I wasn't really attentive to what he was saying...LOL but one thing he said that caught my attention..
Dr.S : *after a long long I'm not attentive monologue of his* So I guess I've spoil your mood to celebrate Christmas?
Jess : No..the celebration WILL and STILL go on..
Dr.S : *stunned and change topic*
After that whole conversation, usually people will think that oh-so-I-should-buck-up...
But to me, that is secondary..yes you read it correctly! SECONDARY
Medicine isn't my priority..but God is...
People may give up doing medicine because they venture into other fields like business or music or something else or they find that medicine isn't their cup of tea...what about me?
If, one day, God wants me to give up doing medicine to do His callings...
Will I be in for it?
My answer is yes!
Anyway before this post gets incredibly long which it already did...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Preparing for something Bigger...
Oh well is just basically what I encountered in YA Camp 09...Theme : Bigger...
Well this is going to be a few parts...Due to no time to wait here and wait for pictures to be uploaded la...So be patient...
Anyway oh still waiting for answers...not only answers but actually lots of stuff...
My brain was filled with what-ifs before the camp and even more what-ifs after the camp...
But the main what-if is What if I have not come to know Jesus as my Lord and Saviour?
I think I will not have whatever I encountered and experienced for the past almost 3 years...and of course I won't be typing this too...
Whenever failure comes in whatever form, be sure to know when to rectify it and not by making another wrong choice by shunting the failure away...No harm of expressing yourself that you are sad and to me that is probably why you are created with lacrimal glands and ducts...animals can't cry and human can...Expressing it by crying doesn't mean that you are weak, because after crying be sure of be able to stand up...The best way for me..Cry to God and allow Him to help you to pick yourself up...
*On the way to Port Dickson after Raju - Me and Jasmine*
Until then another post of another day..
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Just Listen To The Song
I cherish what I had for the time spent...Though I know I can choose to forget even the great times...but I won't...why?Coz they belong to me...
Monday, November 2, 2009
7 hours before PBL In Sem 4
My randomity is bubbling...
Must be the coffee...
I suddenly missed my holidays...
I still want to have fun... T_T
Anyway, was looking through SIBKL 15 Annivessary pictures and I found this in my camera...
I love the effects though but am still experimenting on taking low light pictures...
Anyway gotta read something before I sleep...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Of A No-More-Emo Rambling...LOL
2 places,
11 hours plus,
Tonnes of jokes and craps...(really I can't believe what I've heard and what I've said...And on another note, pollution index up there in my head has its statistics shot up)
But the most important thing is I had an AWESOME day...
So awesome...
I'm gonna post pictures now...
While waiting for the pictures to be uploaded...Poker Face by Lady GaGa is on the radio and I just realised that I'm laughing in front of my laptop like an idiot..You know why?Cause it reminded me of how you sang it...
Anyway I've never been to KL Tower before and yea we made it an attempt to go there yesterday..Although we didn't pay "the bomb" to the Observation Deck.. *feeling broke in the wallet* yea we stayed at the bottom of KL Tower waiting to shoot parachute people...LOL... *ahem don't know who said that wanna shot 'em down, you got your wish granted*
Actually they were trying to break the Guiness World Record for having the most parachute jumps in a day..and wow we just randomly went there and wham!We got the privilege to caught it in action.So much for my randomity! * tee hee*
After that we proceeded to KLCC and yes we walked there from KL Tower...
And what we did in KLCC?Hmm..lets see....
We.....ate for almost 2 hours in Chillis...
We.....watched 2 movies...
We.....walk walk talk talk....until we didn't realised that time past so quickly
*Thanks to you...LOL =P =) *
Was my first time sitting KL Monorail
First time I sat an LRT until Wangsa Maju...alone!
First time watching 2 movies in a row...
First time walking around KL Tower and then from there walked to KLCC...
Thanks to you....=)
Work hard after having so much fun ok?
Awaiting for the next...
On another random note...the aircond in the cinemas are pow-D-er-full...LOL cold hands...LOL =)
Monday, October 26, 2009
I knew I love you before I met you
Sometimes things just linger in my mind...
I let go of the thoughts of a person few months ago...
But someone just caught me stuck again...recently
Used to wish the time runs faster...
But now..I want it to be slower...
Waaaaaay slower...
I feel like telling...
But I don't dare...
Getting hurt was enough for me the other time...
I don't wish to experience it again...
Can I have the expected ending?
I know the world doesn't revolve around me...
But can I have it just for once?
Urgh holidays...
Post stress holidays aint good for me in any ways...
And can I have the time slower?
Signing off!
I want a getaway.....Free my mind...
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Thanks be to God....
Personally speaking, I never thought that I will pass...Because it was a shaky paper that I did..Whatever I studied didn't came out in the qustions and whatever I answered was merely based on what I think it is, in other words, am playing a guessing game...
But all glory goes to our Lord Jesus...
Only by His grace I can enter this course
Only by His grace am I able to persevere and pul through every stress and emotional turmoil that I have been through...
During cell yesterday...
We were sharing about this verse from John 10: 1-18:
" I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climb in by some other way, is a thief and a robber.The man who enters by the gate is the shephard of his sheep.The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice.He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.When he has brought out all his own, he goes ahead of them,and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.But they will never follow a stranger, in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger's voice." Jesus used this figure of speech but they do not understand what he was telling them. Therefore Jesus said again, "I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep.All who ever came before me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them.I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.He will come in and go out, and find pasture.The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." I am the good shepherd.The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep.So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away.Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it.The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep." I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep knows me- just as the Father knows me and I know the Father-and I lay down my life for the sheep.I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen.I must bring them also.They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life-only to take it up again.No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again.This command I received from my Father."
2 questions were raised and really got me into thinking...
1. Am I living an abundant life?
2. What has been stolen from me in the past 3months or so?
well, maybe is good to post the questions here and for you to ponder upon harm right?
Another thing is...after this exam, I know I have to work harder la....But to me hardwork is not the only thing that I'm looking upon to because when you look at hardwork alone, you are actually looking at yourself and your own efforts and as humans it is extraordinary normal to get drained out after awhile.So look upon to the Lord for He will give you His strength and His wisdom for us to persevere on...
Friday, October 23, 2009
Approximately 12 hours.
Start praying from now...
The main thing is...
12 hours ago...
I had GREAT fun today...took me away from wondering whether I fail or pass...
Went to Karaoke...
Not just singing but screaming...
Someone can really scream...Scream til I video-ed how he screamed...
HAHA But but but..Am prohibited from posting it up...
As he got another video of me... =P
Ish.. double black mail like that...
After that...
A game of pool....
White ball kept rolling in and the staff got kinda cheesed off by both of us...
Coz the white ball kept getting stuck after it went in...
Oh Oh Oh...I have to mention this...
The winner of the game is ME!!!! I didn't know I so pro...even after kena blocked from winning... *you ah!Lost ad summore sabo me from gaming the no.8 ball...hmpf!*
Then movie!!!
Cinema was quite empty today...and that's why am cold...not because of lacking of exercise....
Watched Surrogate...
My rating 6/10 for the show...
Amazed by graphics...The point of the show is everything started from a person and ended also from a person...Dr Cantor...I'm glad you finally understand the show in the car... LOL don't kill me...I didn't mention name here....
What a fun day....
Thanks =) you know who you are la...
Hang out more hang out more!!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
GG stands for???
Anyway tonight I got it for a whole lots of meaning...Gagal Giler....Gaya Gagal....Going Giler...
And before I know it I'm thinking of Lady GaGa...I random thoughts..
But I can't help it actually...
Paper was as hard as stone age today...Both MCQ and SAQ were killers...So unexpected and bizarre questions...
Anyway it's over...I still have OSPE and OSCE to fry on Wednesday...
No doubt am dissapointed and fear for the outcome of this test but at the same time am hopeful though...HOPEFULLY I'll pass....results coming out on Friday by the way...Efficiency?
ARGH I wanna go chillax on Thurs...sing all out...LeeHom's on radio now....I wanna meet LeeHom or maybe someone send him to me for a date?
I really don't mind at this time of stress...
Hmm someone ask me a question before...
If I have a billion dollars would I buy all the albums and merchandise of his?
My answer: No...I will employ him and have him all by myself...muahahahahah*evil laughs*
Ok Ok cut that...yes I know I'm trying my best to make myself feel better...and I think I kind of achieving it added the fact that I was spamming someone on MSN....*evil grins*
Oh well so long and farewell...
Oooh ooh..Ganas Giler...Gatal Giler...Ghost Giler...
Fine I'm outtie
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Song craze whole night!
fen kai zhi hou ling yi nian de chun tian
ji yi ye xiang xia xue yi yang rong jie
na xie you ni zai shen bian de ying pian
hu de yi sheng fei de lao yuan lao yuan
ai zai xia tian guo
wan zhi hou suo zai qiu tian
ai guo dong tian zhi hou de
wo hao le yi xie hei
yu hou de tian shang
cai hong chu xian
chen chu yi pian lan tian
* wo zai lin guo yi chang
da yu zhi hou de qing lang
na shi chun yu li xi guo de tai yang
mei ge dong ji dai lai shi luo
shang de duo shen
ran hou hu ran kan dong yun de xing zhuang
If listen to the rhythm of the pouring rain
na shi chun yu li xi guo de tai yang
mei ge dong ji dai lai shi luo
shang de duo shen
mei ge hu xi dou shi xin de fen fang /
(Repeat All)
liu xia de yan lei
liu xia le zhi hui
ai qing hui tian liang
ye yi ding hui hei
shi jie hui deng wo
ta hui wen wo dong
tian guo qu le mei
(Repeat *)
chun yu li xi guo de tai yang
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Wish that it could just rain!
I wish it rains now.....
*woot is going to rain!whee~~~*
Friday, October 2, 2009
It'll be a dot-dot-dot day
Neuronal cells firing like crazy...
Hemispheres are fried...
Can't think,
Can't associate,
Can't link,
Can't recall,
Am sorry..really sorry
My brain is frying
Sips coffee...screams "HELP ME"
My gosh....
Gotta go...
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Post 12 hours sleep of thoughts!
It feels like having a desert full of thorny cactus that day
It feels like tsunami just hit me today
It feels like spider webs wraps around with dusty setting...
It feels good to give than to take...
Again I gave it away like what I used to do...
Is me left behind again,
Sitting there, staring at the starry sky until sun rise...alone...
I prefer the process than the ending...
Even when it doesn't works...
Don't mind helping even with a prickly heart...
Cause apart from the enjoyment seeing people happy...
I have another thing lesser to hold me back when I leave...
Amazing irony...Broken Happy Heart?
Perhaps I should write a movie script...
I'm gonna be what I always wanted to be...
But am I up for it?
Time to study....
*Sunset at my balcony*
Firework...with some hidden meaning? But not a hidden fact that yes I shot it
Can I blame the love songs?Early morning love songs...totally bad for me!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Yea I sounded like as if am motivating myself...
Be awesome Jess
Again this whole week I'll be fill with constant blogging and updating...
Igeon anijiyo...
Yeoreo gagiro gomawoyo...
dangsin cham jeoun saramieyo...
dangsinhago gachi inneun ge joayo...
got dasi bol su isseumyeon jokessyeoyo...
annyeonghi gaseyo!
It's for me to know..what it means...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Blogging with song again...
But then again...Leave!
*Sore throat has gone bad!!!!* Totally not good!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sore Throat Is Distracting Me
I don't like sore throat...wait who does?Am I outta my mind?Maybe...Blame the sore throat,would ya?
oooh~~currently listening to a very old song...okay fine not that old...but old enough to predict my age...WAIT! Clarify and shout out something here....I AM NOT OLD...haha in denial...oh well whatever and anyway...
The song goes like this:
Rings a bell?
There used to be a greying tower alone on the sea
You became the light on the dark side of me
Love remained a drug that’s the high and not the pill
But did you know,
That when it snows,
My eyes become large and,
The light that you shine can be seen
I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey
The more I get of you
Stranger it feels, yeah
And now that your rose is is in bloom
A light hits the gloom on the grey
There is so much a man can tell you,
So much he can say
You remain,My power, my pleasure, my pain, baby
To me you’re like a growing addiction
That I can’t deny.. yeah
Won’t you tell me is that healthy, baby?
But did you know,
That when it snows,
My eyes become large and the light
That you shine can be seen
Baby,I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey
Been kissed from a rose on the grey
Ooh, the more I get of you
Stranger it feels, yeahstranger it feels, yeah
Now that your rose is in bloom
A light hits the gloom on the grey
I’ve been kissed by a rose on the grey,I’ve been kissed by a rose
Been kissed by a rose on the grey
I’ve been kissed by a rose on the grey
And if I should fall, at all
I’ve been kissed by a rose
Been kissed by a rose on the grey
There is so much a man can tell you,
So much he can say
You…….My power, my pleasure, my pain
To me you’re like a growing addiction
That I can’t deny, yeah
Won’t you tell me is that healthy, baby
But did you know,
That when it snows,
My eyes become large and the light
That you shine can be seen
Baby,I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey
Ooh, the more I get of you
Stranger it feels, yeah
stranger it feels
Now that your rose is in bloom,
A light hits the gloom on the grey
Yes I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey
Ooh, the more I get of you
Stranger it feels, yeah
Stranger it feels, yeah
And now that your rose is in bloom
A light hits the gloom on the grey
Ba da ba da da da ah ya ya…
Now that your rose is in bloom,
A light hits the gloom on the grey.
oh well...If I Were A Boy is on RedFM again...great I can't sing and I'm sounding like doing song promo in here...
Don't worry bout me and yea if you are reading this line...I really thank you for reading..haha...and you know why! *winks*
Sunday, September 27, 2009
A reminder to self
When I heard of a song again...
Different feeling but it's a mixture or shall I say a mixed up?
Altogether am confused a lil though, not a lot but still?
Please don't let the history repeats itself again...
This gonna stop at once and immediately...
Before the destatable feeling comes back again and invade my mind....
Remember what happened long time ago?
Promise myself that am not gonna fall on the same side again...
But what the heck am I doing again?
OMG please wake up!
Gosh am sounding like am having issues...and yes am close to have one...Gotta keep awake!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Always Wonder How The Lyrics Thingo Works =P
Study time!!!
You who are looking at this and have exam too...go study!
You who are suppose to work while looking at this...go work too!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Last Shot Of The Poor Flower
Anyway, just playing around with my camera and some editing job before I post this up on an evening that am suppose to be studying...Don't blame me la..brain not functioning liao hence the procastination and straying online.I need a break anyway....
*An example of my editing gone wrong..all the colour went super off and so I decide to make it black and white lor*
Just a lil note, don't buy me flowers please?I'm kinda sad when they withered away.... =(
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
On An Evening Where The Radio Station Loves Me
Haha as I mentioned in the title, for the whole evening My.Fm is like playing all the songs that I like throughout pre-dinner,during dinner and post dinner.Even for those songs that I don't really know, it actually suits my mood and instantly I like them.
On another note, with this kinda feeling tonight..Am feeling being inspired again!To the following song.Not because of Raymond Lam sang it but because of what this show was about and the meaning of the song...
Monday, September 21, 2009
Pre dinner ramblings
First up, to all of you out there: Thanks for all the birthday wishes! Didn't have a oh-my-gosh-it's-a-blast 21st birthday but am contented of being still alive and I thank God for what I already gained in my 21years of life!
Next up, physio quiz on 2nd and 3rd October...wish me luck for this wei...Gotta study CNS and all which it is suppose to be next sem's stuff.But oh well, since am committed into it, I'll give my best shot...No guarantee of winning though! >.<"
Finally done with the recording weekend service!It's a blast and I can't wait for the SIBKL album to be launched...So much fun serving in the worship team and yes it's amazing how God put each and every one of us together to carry out our parts to worship Him in a particular season and occasion...
Hui Ling is going to hang out with her next week..Coming up sing K session, my F.A.V.O.U.R.I.T.E! LOL...
Friday, September 11, 2009
One message in one day to 3 people!
Gonna dedicate this post to 3 people...
First, Tik Tsin...Happy belated birthday! I know is yesterday but yea still happy belated birthday!Thanks for being the "ah pek"..and thanks for being there for me to be the "movie kaki" all the time...
Second, Terri Chan...Happy blessed birthday girl!! muaxzzz to you and hope you have a blast at this special day!Though I know you for not long but am looking forward for the days ahead of us!Hope to work together as colleague in the future...*hugz*
Third, Kenneth Tee...Happy birthday to you....Woik study hard ah, don't sleep so much, don't lazy..Stop cockroaching around lor! XP As promised I'll definitely buy you fried cockroach as exotic food in the future and you make sure you finish it lo (No need to leave any legs or whatsoever body parts for me...).. Thanks and no thanks for disturbing me in class as usual and make me scream...Will still see you for the remaining 3.5 years from now until we graduate so stop bullying me! Bully me less la u....I dream also dreamt that you bully me...zzzzzz lor!See what it means of leaving an impact on others if you kacau the poor "me" too much?
Okay lar..that's all for the birthday messages from me..though you people may or may not see it but still happy 21st birthday to all of you! * hurried back to anatomy book*
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I had a feeling the assuming machinaries were activated among lots of people,
One thing for sure is what you people assume is WRONG!
The post isn't about anything here
On top of that,
Another storm just stirred up,
Making another tango of tangles...
Just to add up to the vault of problems...
Do whatever you like...
It is your choice...
All I can do is to give you whatever my opinion is...
Take it or leave it
Again, your choice...
Disagree-ing doesn't mean I treat you lesser than a friend
To be frank here,
I treat you as a true friend...
So I don't see the point of me lying
Hence am presenting to you my true self
You know me very well that I don't like faking stuff...
Know me well that I dislike going against myself...
Hence I foresee this long ago ever since...
So honesty or faking-ty?
Choose again...
Monday, September 7, 2009
Losing senses
Or beggining to know all of you,
But now I find that the more I know,
The more I am in doubt,
Or shall I say the more I don't know...
Make sense?
I think I do but do you?
Do you even know?
Or is just losing senses?
Yes am disappointed...
Very disappointed indeed
With your actions...
For you do things without much thinking
For you do things by losing your senses
Where is that wisdom?
Did it just disappear?
Into thin air?
Or is it just in the midst of the crowd?
Wake up!
Like seriously, please do!
Am still in shock of what you just said and did
Never did it cross my mind that you will act in such
But reality proves to me...
I want it to be unreal
But I have evidence to prove it in my face
So do you want me to lie to myself?
I hope not!
But please do get a life!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Mighty Is The Power of The Cross
What can heal a wounded soul?
What can make us white as snow?
What can mend our brokenness?
Mighty, awesome, wonderful
Is the holy cross
Where the Lamb laid down His life
To lift us from the fall
Mighty is the power of the cross
What restores our faith in God?
What reveals the Father's love?
What can lead the wayward home?
What can melt a heart of stone?
What can free the guilty ones?
What can save and overcome?
It's a miracle to me
It's still a mystery
It's still miracle to me
The power of God
For those who believe
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I Don’t Want to Rest in Pieces like Final Destination
Haha I took a picture of myself in the state of shock! LOL okok I know it is a made up picture and wait a minute I wouldn't have time to take a look in the mirror when I'm really in shock right?Anyway oh just for the sake for me to win the pair of invites..*fingers crossed*
Oh so how will I be resting in pieces like final destination?
First of all, is if I do not know God! Because my life will be in a mess and hence most likely I will not be who am I now! And did I mention that I have suicide thought before I know God?Totally not good! But now, I'm free in His kingdom!Set free by His love, grace and mercy!
Second of all, is if I do not stop myself from msn and facebooking while I really need to study for a test that will be happening in less than 24 hours from now...LOL I guess that's all am gonna type...
So please?please please????Can I get the invites?Thanks...haha
*runs back to books*
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
It is a 2 in 1 post
Starting from Jade's 21st birthday party at Lake Garden...
Wonderful night for her and I hereby thank her again for the invite to her awesome party!Happy blessed birthday girl...May God continue to bless you and put your talents into good use for the expansion of His kingdom!May He bless the works of your hands and grant you with His wisdom, so that you can give hope and healing to those who needs it in your future career as a doctor... =)
CoUZ Camp at El Sanctuary
Was having an awesome time there too..Met new people and made new friends.The speaker was Ps Victor Wong and the theme for the camp was "CAPACITY"...
So what exactly is stretching and expanding our capacity?It is all about God placing us in different situations to make us grow spiritually stronger in Him.Whether to fall away and turn our backs to Him or hang on to Him and continue trusting Him for He will bring us through the tough times totally depends on our faith in Him.But of course I choose the higher road to look upon Him and allow Him to expand the capacity although there might be transient discomfort situations.Let me put it this way if He hasn't allowed the past to happen and hence there will be no "me" of today.In times of suffering I do admit that my faith to Him grew stronger!For Isaiah 54: 2 states that "Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords , strengthen your stakes."
*Puppy from El Sanctuary, belongs to the owner**My newly met friends..aiks why lar Melissa turned her head la?*
*This is Sandisk!!!The group that rocks even after camp!Just look at the ability of us interacting in Facebook up to 200 comments in one picture!*
Thursday, August 6, 2009
I gave myself 10 minutes to type this...
- My left middle finger hurts..Why? Was learning how to play the guitar from my sifu- Jessica Yoke Poh..thank you darling for teaching me...I know D, A, E...Just that I need more practise...
- Saw something on Facebook and realise people come and go really fast...Some status change from "Single" to "In a relationship" whereas some is vice versa...Hmm of course mine will still remain as what it is...
- Malaysian studies final is in few hours time and I'm so bored of studying it!Usually am okay to study for exam but this is just plainly redundant!Not to say am not interested in what is happening in the country and all but it is just...why should we be tested about it?
- Had a mood shift from the edge of getting emo to numbness...Probably PMS-ing or probably due to item no.2... So pick your guesses...if you really want to know that is!
- Haven't got the time to blog about the camp that I went last weekend..But it should be coming right up probably on Friday night...Sneak peak over here is the camp was awesome and Sandisk rocks!
- I gotta go and prepare for the redundant test again...
Just thought of posting a coconut tree out of randomness....=P
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I have nothing better to do than this at 3am




And I really salute all the photographers!Such nice pictures! and I'm envious!
Oh link to the pictures
Back to my studies!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I'm so proud of my height!
Anyway it must be God's protection over me that save my scalp from a few laceration marks or bruises...
I was happily listening to songs on my handphone while standing in front of the door and suddenly I felt something odd just happened..At a split moment I thought the door opened while the train was moving but it wasn't the door.So when I looked up....OMGOSH! The whole panel just missed my head for a few centimeters,probably around 5cm?And it's like swaying back and forth as the train moved...Scary but yea thank God that I'm saved and protected by Him!


*Relatively I took the shot of this guy and the hanging panel-compare the height of the door and the height of the guy.*
Oh that guy in the second picture was probably around 165cm? Just a rough estimation...
Random again at 4am in the morning
Mixing cordial drinks at 4am in the morning isn't a brilliant idea...I can't tell whether it is too sour or too sweet or tasteless! OMGOSH! So frustrating! Oh just in case you're wondering what drink am I mixing, it's orange juice....
Kenneth and gang went to watch Harry Potter! And I stayed at home =(
And oh someone just entertain me with Happy Potter..Don't know what is that but I know it's produced, directed and acted by the person who mentioned that..wuahahahaha!
Another visit this to Blood! and I don't even know where is Blood Bank to begin with.But who free bus ride wert...haha!
Ok am just being too random!What can I do coz it's 4am...LOL
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
This is going to be short
I don't want to hear that anymore...
So FAKE of you...
I just wonder how long I can stand it?
*A foot and a window= I wonder how long more before I kick you out of the window*
Fine I know am not able to do that..Just thought of posting the pic that's all...
Saturday, July 11, 2009
SRJK(C) Yuk Chai of Standard 6H (2000) Reunited Partially
Now let's just get the pictures do most of the talking or perhaps blogging...lazy to type so much lar.....Have to study in awhile....

I have no difficulties recognising them, a good sign for my memory!yayness~~
AND AND AND all of them that were present that day remember me too!double yayness~~
So yea we were there for almost 2 hours talking and asking each other about recent stuff and also trying to recall all the things that we did in standard 6 9 years ago... suddenly I felt old-ish
*Random Shot- why? because I like the wallpaper**LOL The 2 good buddies of mine in primary school..Now Deb is going to be a nutritionist and and Jia Yin is going to be a vet*
Oh well that's all for now...Though not everybody turned up for the reunion but after the reunion most of us are reunited through Facebook..THE POWER OF FACEBOOK perhaps